Monday, October 14, 2013

Here's the link!

This Website is for you! Hey Cassie, it's been a long time since I posted, but this online magazine is pretty awesome. It was started by a 14 year old girl! This website has everything that you might be interested in! Music, Stories, Movies, Pictures, Advice. A lot. I hope to keep posting to this blog for you, but Rookie is a bit more reliable than I am. Check it out!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


This is a post about make-up. I don't know how much you wear or what you've tried, but when I started high school I had really REALLY terrible time trying to figure out how little, how much, and what to wear on my face. First off, it's okay to be shitty at make up at first. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. BUT, if you're interested in learning how to work with make-up, give yourself a saturday to play around with the products you have!

I have tried almost EVERY drug store mascara available. They were all a waste of money and burned my eyes. So that you don't have to waste your money searching for quality mascara I'm just going to tell you the 3 best, longest lasting, and non-burning I have found.

1. Sephora Collection: In Dark Brown or Purple.

Purple Mascara can actually make you look more awake during the day! And this brand doesn't clump very much!

2. Clinic Naturally Glossy Mascara - The most natural looking mascara I've ever tried. I wear it practically every day and I don't feel like I have a lot on.

3. Lush Right Eyes Mascara in Black.,en_US,pd.html

this is super natural, good volume. makes me feel pretty AND no animal testing!

Okay, so these are the three mascaras I have found that work the best! I've gone through them one at a time, so don't feel the need to buy all three at once (or any!) but I feel like this is important so you don't waste your time and money on shitty products with nice design labels.

Courtney Johnson: Artist Talk

Hey Cassie! Sorry I haven't posted much lately, things have been hella busy this week! BUT today I did go to an Artist Lecture, and this time it was a North Carolina based photographer who makes her own water-proof pin-hole cameras and takes photographs from all of the different piers in NC!

Here is the link to her series! She's doing really interesting art with very little technology (you can make your own pin-hole camera at home for $5!)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hope Gangloff

Thoughts on Poetry

High school killed my desire to read or write or have anything to do with poetry. They pick it apart, beat it over the head with a hose, and after they've dissected every last syllable there's nothing left but ash. Written words are meant to be FELT. DON'T go into a poem looking for answers. Just Don't. Let it wash over you and follow you for awhile. It's okay if you feel nothing the first few times you read a poem. You'll find authors that make you yawn all the time, but don't be afraid of looking for the ones that set a small piece of your brain (or or heart) on fire.

Some of my favorite Writers:

Sharon Olds
Sylvia Plath
Alan Ginsberg
Louise Gluck

Don't Let Them Scare You Away From Poetry.

"I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am." - Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar